The Scraper Guild

Junkers who have adapted well to taking old tech and repurposing it to adapt to the world as is. They have mastered repurposing and have a strong sense of comradery. Typically issued jumpsuits in their uniform grey off-white, Scrapers are deployed in teams to secure, dismantle, and collect anything that functions or works in an electronic sense, returning it to their "shops". Scraper shops are refineries and engineering bays which allow their internal work force to assemble equipment to be used on further excursions, or to better their infrastructure. Innovation is the name of the game.

When encountering scrapers in the field, one can often expect to be met with protective retaliation. Scrapers are easily spooked, often resulting in firefights with other factions if the initial contact is not handled with extreme care.

The scrapers carry rudimentary scanning equipment, gas masks to help with hazardous environments, and light pulse rifles. These rifles are plasma-energy based weapons which will cause deadly harm if enough damage is taken. Due to the low power supply a pulse rifle can carry however, the projectiles being pure energy dissipate quickly.

While scrapers do not inherently study or chase down anomalies like other factions, they have become rather adept at detecting and avoiding most anomalies well enough to have minimal casualties to field work.